Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Since we've been gone so long, we felt it was only fair that we introduce....Harley.  The pug on the left...he's a little fellow and he's super duper shy.  Our grandma rescued him.  At first he wouldn't have anything to do with me.  He liked Lincoln, but that's just because Lincoln is "loveable" according to mom. It's whatever.  But don't worry, I didn't give up.  Now Harley tolerates me, which means he lets me sit next to him and shares his snacks with me.  Mostly he shares his snacks because I knock him out of the way but someone has to teach him how to be more aggressive, right?

Anyway, Harley is pretty cool sometimes.  However, he's a little momma's boy like Lincoln.  I guess only the girly pugs are independent.  Boys...sigh.

Minnie Moo

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harley! Nice to meet you. Don't let Minnie push you around too much! ;)

    You guys all looks great in your matching harnesses. I want to get a new one - mine's just the garden variety petco one and it's a tad ill-fitting.

    Have a fun weekend you guys!

