Thursday, August 18, 2011

Land of Minnie Troubles

There sure has been a lot of talk recently about how sweet or good my stinky brother is. Well let me tell you, being good and sweet is no fun. Well sometimes I'm sweet when I'm tired and need someone to hold me while I rest. Other than that, life is about exploring and having fun, not being stuck to Mom's side like a magnet. So I thought I would share some of my latest adventures in the world of TROUBLE.

For example, yesterday morning when Mom was in the shower, I totally knocked over a trashcan that was like four times my size to chew on an ear of corn. It didn't matter that it was already eaten, it was totally edible if the trashcan had not made so much noise when it hit the floor. Better luck next time.

I also got into an awesome fight with a rogue cat that lives around the corner. At my new place, there are cats everywhere, which is totally cool because I used to have a cat brother. I love cats, they like to play the chase game. Mom says they are chasing me to go away but really it all amounts to me getting chased. Anyway, on our nightly walk for my stinky brother, who still won't go in the backyard, I came across the rogue cat. He did some little hissy thing which supposedly means stay away. Lincoln backed up but I went forward with a vengeance, he was obviously just playing hard to get. Unfortunately, he swiped me quicker than you could yell, "pug." Mom dragged me off and practically ran home to make sure I still had my pug eyes. Thankfully, with my awesome reflexes I appear to be unharmed. I can't wait to meet that cat again. Though I did have some nightmares that resulted in me waking up barking...


  1. That's the spirit Minnie! I love your style. You ate so right, these brothers don't know what they are missing all stuck at the Mom's sides!

  2. Minnie Moo, you better promise us that you'll be careful with those cats! Some don't like dogs and that could mean a world of HURT for you. Just stick to the trashcans of corn on the cobs...that sounds like a trick worth perfecting!

  3. Good thing you have such fab reflexes, those cats play rough!

    Sugar the Who

  4. Minnie, you sassy time you play "chase the cat," wear doggles!

  5. Minnie
    What good is it to be young and a pug if you BEHAVE ALL THE TIME????? Pugsonally I think the 'rents want us to be adventurous (just a little) so they have something to talk about at the water cooler, as it were.
    And I thought chasing cats was a REQUIREMENT for puggies.
    Love Noodles

  6. Minnie - you're definitely a wild one. Me, too. We share the same life philosophy, too. I love to cuddle at certain times, but I'm also very independent and have no problem "pushing the limits" or just, y'know, pushing over garbage cans (as in your case).

    Glad you survived that cat encounter. My parents freak out about my eyes all the time. They're worrywarts.

    -Love, Sid.

  7. Well behaved women rarely make history... someone said that once, I think.

  8. Yes, we agree with Noodles, puggies are meant to chase kitties. Just watch those eyes, goggles might be a good idea. And the trash can was just waiting for you...we have locking ones...I wonder why?

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  9. Yew is a ninja pug, Minnie & dat cat deserves whatever you can give him xoxo

  10. Big tall stainless trashcan! Too heavy for us to knock over, but we loves us some corn on the cob too!

  11. BOL! Owen knows how to get into mischief too! That cat better watch out for you next time 'cause you will be ready ;) We hope Lincoln learns to use his backyard soon!
    Maddy and Owen

  12. Hi Minnie,

    You certainly have a lot of spunk. Hope you see the cat again and teach it a lesson. Just be careful not to let it hurt your big brown eyes.


  13. Wow, Minnie, you've taken, erm, pugness, to a whole new level! :)

  14. Be careful Minnie, cats are vicious little animals and don't obey the laws of nature!

  15. you sure know how to live on the edge minnie! taking on tough cats like that! I wouldnt want to make you mad at me. I dont understand what the big deal is about the corn though. your mommy should realize you were just trying to make sure she got her moneys worth out of it. you would think the humans would be more appreciative of all you do. geez

    oliver and jack

  16. You got spunk Minnie! Attitude:)

    Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
