Disclaimer: This is the world's longest post. So be prepared and get your self a cup of coffee or something. First of all, Wilma like wrote me the bestest poem/song ever, check it out:
Minnie Moo Birthday. To everyone that wished me a Happy First Birthday, thank you. It was an awesome day, I got so excited I even peed on the floor, not once but twice. So maybe it was not as awesome as a day for my Mommy. Oh well.
The second greatest thing that happened to me this weekend besides my awesome birthday party was getting my prize in the mail from
Baby and Lucy! It was a Halloween costume contest I won with this awesome picture:

Now, my costume is not as elaborate as some. In fact, I have a hippo costume that I was supposed to wear. I will have to discuss the hippo and I's love/hate (mostly hate) relationship later. Anyway, after the mishap with the
Purple Loofa last week, this was really the best possible present I could have received. This package came in the mail on Saturday, right in the middle of Mommy trying to get ready for a football game and my birthday party the following day. So I didn't get to open it till Sunday night with my other birthday presents.

Lincoln can't read, so he thought the present was for him too. Silly pug.
Hey, where are you going, Lincoln? I still need your help opening this?!
Fine, anyone will do, open this, pretty please?
Thank goodness for big brothers.
Awesome there is something to chew in here. Wait, a card?!
Still tastes pretty yummy...
The Card

The note inside that no one would let me eat...

Finally, the toy!
Wait, it's wrapped in plastic...I can live with that.
Seriously, Mommy, can you stop taking my picture and help me....
You're free, new Purple Loofa!
I will love you forever and try not to tear you apart like the last one.

But then this happened....
Lincoln wanted to see the Halloween Purple Loofa.
I'll save you!

We both love it sooooo much. Thanks Baby and Lucy!

It's smiling, I think it loves us too!