I try to share the spotlight with my foster brother, Lincoln. I try. But seriously, the dude has some unresolved issues. Good thing mommy is getting her masters in psychology, maybe she can help shed some light on some of his more "special needs."
First, Lincoln has the need to mark everything. I think that is some kind of "boy" issue. While mommy is pretty understanding, grandma is not. Therefore, Lincoln has to wear a masculinity hider or as daddy calls it, a banana hammock, anytime we visit somewhere. Lincoln is a little embarrassed about this, so forgive the only picture of his special belt.

Second, Lincoln bites himself. Like all the time. The whole back side of him is covered with scars and bites. I think it is like biting your fingernails for him...but then it started getting serious.

So first he had to wear a cone....but it was just too big.

Then he went to the vet. I thought he was gone forever when they took him. I had no idea how jealous...errr...I mean sad, I would be when he got to go somewhere that I didn't. Lincoln promised me that he did not have any fun while he was away. In fact he sat next to the door in the vet room. He was probably looking for me.

Anyway, the short of it is, that Lincoln has some skin infection and possibly little bugs eating him. The vet said these bugs only attack you when you're really down in the dumps, that they don't attack spoiled pugs like me. But it's okay, he's taking some medicine (he gets extra treats!) and he had lots of shots. Don't tell anyone, but I feel kind of sorry for him.