Right after we started fostering Lincoln, Mom kept commenting on his eyes. She said he has the saddest eyes. Eyes that tell a story of past troubles.
Yeah, I don't get it either.
Anyway, everyone is always commenting on Lincoln's eyes. His "
human looking eyes". I, proudly, have
pug eyes. Bulging orbs that I can make almost pop out of my head when I either want something or am playing bitey face. Lincoln's eyes never bulge, they just blink and look sad.
Mom says it almost seems like he has "
human eyes." Once again,
WHAT?! Lincoln is clearly a dog. I'm a pug but Lincoln is definitely a dog. I am not a dog. When we first got him, I admit, I started to question whether I was a dog because of the obvious similarities between us. But then I remembered
I'm a precious, princess pug child. I'm practically human, I dare you to prove otherwise. But I digress, Lincoln is a dog.
Lately though, Mom has been saying that it seems Lincoln is
a boy in a pug suit. Excuse me? First of all, how did they squeeze a little boy into Lincoln? I admit, he's a mutant pug with his huge paws and almost muzzle, but there's a human boy stuck in Lincoln!? And why is this little boy in a pug suit? And what has this boy done with
my brother?
I have so many questions. Does anyone understand how Lincoln has a boy inside of him? Did Lincoln eat a little boy?!
Lincoln and Me (kind of, I'm trying to butt in on the picture)