You know how last week I prayed to be a better pug? Well I think God was on vacation or something because I'm in trouble again. I tried to eat a battery. How was I supposed to know batteries were a big no?! Besides I get bored when Mom gets in the shower. Lincoln sits by the bathroom door, waiting on Mom to get out. Shower time = explore time. What has Mom left out that I can eat?
Besides I don't know what the big deal is about the battery. I was just carrying it around in my mouth, it only had a few teeth marks on it. Mom has put everything up high now where I can't reach it. However, she left a bag of pasta on the kitchen table. Usually I can't get on the kitchen table because Mom turns all the chairs around so I can't use them as stepping stones to get on the table. My awesome Uncle Travis turned one of the chairs around though, so while Mom was taking another shower (humans take so many baths...I wonder why they don't take one every two weeks like me?) I broke into the bag of raw pasta. Now some people would think raw pasta noodles would taste as good as that battery did. Wrong. It was fantastic and I got it all to myself since Lincoln was still waiting by the bathroom door.
Unfortunately, raw pasta made my tummy hurt and I puked most of it up. Which is almost as bad as getting spanked, which I also got. Mom is really unhappy with my eating habits. Now I get locked up every time she takes a shower. Life is so unfair.