We had the BEST time in Florida.
But then we had to come home.
Don't worry we are going back to Florida tomorrow.
Mom has "school stuff" in South Beach.
I like to think of myself as a movie star
Who gets to travel around...
Except there is no paparazzi except Mom
But at least she takes my picture a lot.
Anyway, here I am on my way to the beach.
The BEACH rocks. Ya'll should try it.

Here is Linky and I at the beach.
Linky is annoying the hell out of that lady and her dog.
He does this at the dog park too.
He barks and barks in high pitched "yips" to whoever has a toy.

It's like he's a different dog.
He gets so excited and chases everyone around.
And he never shuts up.
Mom used to apologize but most people think he's adorable.
They laugh at how excited and insane he is.
Oh well.
I ran my heart out at the beach.
I jumped in the waves, chased the big dogs and let everyone pet me.
I even embarrassed Mom when I decided to use the bathroom
Right next to someone's cooler.
Hey, don't bring your cooler to the dog beach!
We took more pictures
But we are still playing catch up at home.
Catch ya'll later!
Minnie Moo